(724) 652-0922 New Castle
Pre-K Kids Learning Center use Learning Beyond Paper to teach to the children enroll in our center.
Learning Beyond Paper teaching strategies has believed that the best and most powerful way to improve child outcomes is through effective teaching. And that’s why we’ve created forward-thinking, comprehensive, research-based and research-proven curriculum resources. These help preschool teachers and infants, toddlers and twos caregivers to be their most effective, while still honoring their creativity and respecting their critical role in making learning exciting and relevant for every child.
Learning Beyond Paper is used by early childhood educators across the country, helping them to offer developmentally appropriate programs that support active learning and promote children’s progress in all developmental areas.
Pre-K Kids Learning Center is proud to announce we partake in the PA Keystone STARS program and certified to be a 4 Star program. Being part of this program we have choose quality early learning for your child through the Keystone STARS!
Quality early learning programs can make a big difference in your child’s learning for life. Keystone STARS can help you make the best early learning choices for your family.
Keystone STARS promotes quality programs that participate in Keystone STARS care about providing quality early learning to your child. As programs move up the STARS ladder, they are providing even higher quality experiences, so your child benefits even more from the program.
Counting the STARS Early learning programs can earn from a STAR 1 to a STAR 4 level. At each level, programs have to meet certain quality standards. The higher the STAR level, the higher the quality standards.
STAR levels are based on quality standards in four key areas: Staff education: early childhood teachers have the training and knowledge for working with young children Learning environment: the program has a variety of materials and activities for each age level that makes it possible for children to learn something new every day! Leadership and management: a quality program has to have sound business practices to ensure your child’s safety and early learning Family and community partnerships: Parents and community members are encouraged to become a part of the child’s learning progress.
Your baby receives individual attention, affection, respect, and love. This is a crucial first step in the development of positive self-concepts and feelings of self-worth.
Pre-K Kids Learning Center provides developmental care well beyond the routine custodial care that addresses the infant's basic needs such as being fed, changed, and kept clean and safe. Developmental care can address all of these needs as well as take care of the infant's need to be held, loved, talked to. They are also stimulated through books and toys to look and listen to, floor play, finger play, as well as constantly be assisted in their own independent actions.
Developmental care is care that helps infants develop both their minds and bodies in a safe and healthy environment.
The infant care program Pre-K Kids Learning Center provides learning in a conscious way, balancing open or free experiences with organized ones. Experiences include:
Activities for listening and talking
Physical development
Activities to stimulate the five senses
Learning from the world around them
The group environment of the daycare center provides peer socialization for your infant. Specialized activities also add a special touch.
At Pre-K Kids Learning Center, your baby's needs are handled promptly, feelings are accepted, and any problems are managed with understanding. The daily schedule is used only as a guide. The day revolves around each baby's individual schedule - including a policy of feeding infants on demand, unless a parent requests the use of an established feeding schedule.
Toddlers learn with their whole bodies, they solve problems on a physical level… "Me do it" shows their drive for independence.
Our goal for our toddlers is to provide a safe, nurturing environment where children can feel secure and loved. In the beginning stages of learning, toddlers are full of interest and curiosity with the world around them. Every day is full of new challenges and exciting discoveries.We believe in encouraging the toddlers interests and praising their efforts; this is the first building block in helping children develop independence and a strong sense of self esteem and self-worth. We try to channel their energy and exuberance into learning activities that help them get along with others as they form the first friendships. Our day consists of many activities, both structured and unstructured. Lessons are designed to stimulate your child, according to their age and abilities. We plan our actives around the following developmental areas:
Social studies - such as group time, learning the names of teachers and friends, and spending time with a special friend while doing a project.
Learning centers for art, dramatic play, and tools are also an enjoyable part of your child's day. During this time, your child is engaged in a small group of one or two children. This approach allows your child to express his or her own creativity while interacting with others.
Most of your child's day is spent socializing through play with the other children. Part of the play will be structured - such as marching around the room to music, while other times will be spent doing activities your child chooses. During circle time, the children come together as a group for shared activities such as Calendar and Weather, a review about class rules and consequences, and themed activities. Our toddlers take an afternoon nap.
For the early three year old, it's a life of fantasy and make-believe: where a stuffed animal comes to life during play…. But life is not always magical for the older three year old, who can be at the same time insecure and self-willed. What was a happy and serene world becomes one of anxious times that require a great deal of patience, understanding, and reinforcement of values.
Lively and adventurous four year olds may seem to be quite secure and comfortable with themselves: boasting, bragging, and exaggerating…. But emotions can also be uncertain, with laughter and tears following each other in quick succession.
The main goal of Pre-K Kids Learning Center program is to prepare your child for Kindergarten. Each child learns at a different pace and in a different way. We believe that through time, preparation, guidance, and lots of love and compassion, your child will reach a level of success. Each child leaves the program with the opportunity to have a good foundation of self-esteem and success. A keystone in our program is the The Creative Curriculum which, among other goals, helps children learn how to make "good" choices.
A Pre-School child flourishes in a learning community where they feel comfortable and find it easy to ask for help. Families and the community are involved in providing diverse educational programs, with specific "themes" for each week. In a warm, safe, and loving atmosphere, your child feels more comfortable and willing to learn.
Pre-K Kids Learning Center program is designed to meet the developmental needs of your Pre-School child. Your child has the opportunity to encounter many new and exciting experiences, with the following skills stressed for acceptance into kindergarten:
Recognize, recite, and print the letters of the alphabet
Recognize, recite, and print the numbers 1-100
Recognize their name in print and be able to print in legibly
Know the month and day of birth
Know their first and last name
Know their address and phone number
Identify the primary shapes
Identify the colors red, yellow, blue, purple, orange, white, brown, black, green
Dress themselves (zipper, tie, and button)
Cognitive skills (memory, logical thinking, relationships)
Gross and fine motor skills
Life Skills Program which helps your child learn how to make "good" choices
Our day consists of structured activities such as circle time, learning centers, and group activities, as well as unstructured playtime. This format provides a nice blend of the formal with an opportunity for your child to be creative and imaginative. During circle time, the children come together as a group for shared activities such as review of the calendar and weather, a review about class rules and consequences, and themed activities. (finger play, songs, discussions, or a group activity based on the theme of the week).
Children work in small cooperative groups at learning centers, rotating through four centers throughout the week:
STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math - identifying colors and shapes, counting, measuring, matching, and sorting. Then discovering which objects will roll, what will float, what will sink, building block towers
Art - cutting, pasting, coloring, painting, creative expression
Language arts - recognizing, reciting, and printing the letters of the alphabet, recognizing and printing names, listening to stories, describing and sequencing events in stories and illustrations.
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts, established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, is bringing quality full-day pre-kindergarten to nearly 19,000 3 and 4 year olds in Pennsylvania.
Why does my child need to attend a high quality pre-kindergarten program? Quality pre-kindergarten prepares children for reading and math, but also for paying attention, following directions and getting along with others.
Pre-kindergarten gives children a chance to learn, become excited about school and be better students.
If your child is enrolled in a Pre-K Counts program, the hours that they attend that program are free for you and your family.
It is important to note that Pre-K Counts funding does not always cover a full day of child care. If your child needs after hours care, for example, you may need to pay that cost out of pocket. Check with your local Pre-K Counts provider to determine what hours the program is funded by Pre-K Counts.
Some programs, however, are funded by both Head Start and Pre-K Counts and provide free child care all day.
Each program offering PA Pre-K Counts classrooms will have its own guidelines, but you are likely eligible for Pre-K Counts if:
By enrolling your child in quality pre-kindergarten, your child has a better chance of being ready for kindergarten and grade school. This strong early start in pre-kindergarten means they have a better chance of doing well in school, going on to college or career training, and getting a good job. All of this can start by enrolling your child in a PA Pre-K Counts classroom!
What can I expect from a PA Pre-K Counts classroom? Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts classrooms will:
By enrolling your child in PA Pre-K Counts, you can give your child a great start to a bright future.
* The portion of the day that is funded through Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts is free to families; the program may charge for additional portions of the day (wraparound child care, etc.)
T What an exhilarating age! Young school-age children are full of physical zest and eager to take on both mental and physical challenges. The Before/After School Program at Pre-K Kids Learning Center is designed to meet both areas of your school-age child's needs in a safe supervised environment.
Having spent several hours in the structure of a classroom, the first thing needed is the opportunity to work off some of the pent up energy. Pre-K Kids offers a play facility designed to stimulate and challenge young children up to and including the age of 12 years. Our large outside play area allows space for activities to burn off all that energy.
Indoor activities include a variety of age appropriate board games, computers, and even assistance with home work.
Key features of Pre-K Kids Learning Center Before & After School Program include:
As a child learning facility, we have designed a program to meet the active energy of our School-Age students. Your child will have the opportunity to encounter many new and exciting experiences this summer.